Thursday, October 4, 2018

Suck it up, Buttercup

This week at a Mississippi rally, Trump claimed that Kavanaugh's life is now in "tatters",  that "a man's life has been shattered".  Also, variations of the above meme have been circulated on Facebook.

Let's put things in perspective here. This is hardly ruining Kavanaugh's life. He won't have to go to jail, he won't have to pay Blasey-Ford any money, he won't have to pay any fines. He will still live in the very fine home I imagine he has, he will still have a very comfortable income, he will still have the love and support of important and influential people who will ensure he and his continue to live a privileged life.

True, he may not get a job he really wants. (You just rolled your eyes, didn't you?) But most likely the worst consequence will be that the people he cares the very least about will walk around America thinking he's guilty of sexual assault. I'm not saying that's easy and that it isn't upsetting, I'm just saying it won't "ruin your life" unless you let it.

Even if he were to not get the job (and there go the eyes again), sure that's a bitter pill to take, especially if you are innocent (you're going to give yourself a headache). No doubt that stings, but it's not "shattering". It's something you can get through. Many, many people live happy and fulfilled lives that don't serve as Supreme Court Judges. I dare say there are many people who wanted to be a supreme court judge and never got it for a number of reasons and still carry on.

Look at Merrick Garland. He was denied even a chance to be confirmed for the job. Lindsey Graham himself said that Garland was "honest with a reputation beyond reproach". But in spite of this and through no fault of his own Garland didn't get the job and I don't recall anyone then howling about how his life was ruined.

Here is a story about a man whose life really was ruined because of a false accusation.

26 Years Later, Justice for Men Imprisoned for a Bogus Rape

He spent 26 years in prison starting from when he was 19. That's right, from the age of 19 until he was 45 he was in prison for a crime he did not commit.

FYI: That is what a ruined life looks like. I'm sure given half a chance Mr. Counts would gladly trade places with Mr. Kavanaugh. But he also said "I can’t be angry. If I waste a minute being angry it’s a waste of time. That’s a minute I could have been happy".

So suck it up Brett Kavanaugh. If he can do it, so can you.

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